Community driven, self regulated safety platform
  • Scam alerts shown


  • Projects in database


  • Active beta users


  • Patrol users


  • Received votes


Scam is near

SafeSoul Extension

Free browser extension integrated into Twitter alerts you to scams and suspicious activity in your feed. Immediate safety check for any open page: project on OS, scammed website etc.
SafeSoul Extension


highlights and processes reported tweets with dangerous content

evaluates project website: verified, scam, fishing and hacked

collects real-time data and shows on the project website

displays status and user`s achievements on Twitter

simulates transaction results before blockchain interactions

Web3 Patrol

Soul Patrol works autonomously and monitors emerging dangers in web3 space.

The main mission of the patrol is to instantly respond to dangers, to warn users about recent hacks and to prevent wrong transactions.

To join the Patrol user generates a bound token, that cannot be transferred.


Status change
Official links are marked as verified. Communities have special access to the verification process to mark affiliated and non-affiliated project pages.
OpenSea verified
Verified by Doodles admins
Any user who has web3 history.
Scout votes are registered and sent to Patrol for further check, security status doesn't change at this stage.
Scout with our bound-token.
Patrol votes are registered, status is changed to Suspicious and badge color to yellow, alert is sent to OG Patrol.
Invites only. Most trusted patrol members who are responsible for final decision.
OG Patrol votes are registered, security status and badge color are changed accordingly to OG voting.
Scam / Hacked / Phishing734
Souls verified734
  • Scout


    OG Patrol

  • Extension

    Free installation of anti-scam plugin in the browser.

  • Highlighting Twitter scam

    Alerts appear on dangerous tweets, profiles and projects.

  • Highlighting dangerous websites

    Alerts appear on suspicious, fishing, scammed and hacked websites.

  • Highlighting verification

    Green badges are given to verified Twitter accounts, websites and projects.

  • Sending requests to Patrol

    Notifiyng Patrol about scam, fishing and hacked projects and Twitter profiles.

  • Suspicious activity review

    Accept/decline complaints about suspicious activity.

  • Ads income distribution (DeFi)

    Income from displaying ads will be distributed among token holders.

  • Patrol achievements

    Bound-token holders get badges for being active which are visible on Twitter for SafeSoul users.

  • Insurance

    The fund established to aid the community members holding tokens who have been affected by scam activities.

  • Confirm scam status

    Accept/decline final status - scam, fishing, hacked or safe source.

  • Project verification

    Green badges distribution to applicants who passed SafeSoul safety checks.

  • Earnings from verification

    To get a trustworthy green badge, projects can apply for paid verification. Instant application flow generates revenue for verificated members.

  • Revision of scam status

    When troubleshooting the status changes.


Members of the Patrol keep watch and take care of security in web3.

Active users(who found a suspicious activity on web, spread the word on socials, etc.) get achievements that are visible on Twitter for our community.

You feel safe in fam with Patrol by your side. Thus, we build a safe community.

Patrol Achievements

  • Veteran

  • Bustle

  • Denizen

  • Digger

  • Fortune

Meet the Team

A close-knit team of enthusiasts from all over the world


Gives the right to vote in the community of Web3 security experts

Allows you to receive income from the activities of the project

Non-transferable after binding,1 per wallet. Confirms the reputation and activity of the expert.

We are trusted

Projects that entrust us with their security from spam activity in the web3 world
  • Digital Animals

    Digital Animals

    8888 unique digital animals with souls. Procedurally generative art created by Igor. The algorithm generates your digital soul basing on your wallet and sentimental analysis of your Twitter.
    Total Sales
    871 ETH
  • Artisant


    Web3 fashion creative space and community for artists, designers and brands. Create, trade & use digital fashion NFTs. Use dressing room for digital clothes & collect new digi-fashion items every day.
    4 949

Some answers


Central to our strategy is forging strategic partnerships with security organizations, blockchain developers, and web3 companies.

  • Boring Security DAO

    Largest web3 security community, a free public utility, that provides security resources, classes, articles, tweet threads, smart contract reviews, 11k members, Apecoin DAO, has educated over 300 alumni.

  • Delegate

    Token governance solution, to secure valuable on-chain assets while still participating in airdrop claims, token governance, and more. Users link cold wallets with hot wallets, and then the hot wallet can act on behalf of the cold wallet, like crypto power-of-attorney.


    • Yes. SafeSoul
    • Web3 suffers from the number of scams
    • Free safety
    • Expert Patrol monitors security and makes money on it
    • Yes, we can identify scams in google searches
    • Monitoring these platforms
    • Self-regulated safety system driven by community
    • We make your digital life safer
    • Forecasts project statuses and simulates transaction results before any click.
    • Statistics
    • Right in your browser you will see realtime status of the page and security alerts
    • Browsers

Interconnected projects within the club: Digital Animals, Digital Souls, the Game, cyber security SafeSoul, Souls shop